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Condensed Matter Physics Group

‌Sir Andre Geim

Regius Professor & Royal Society Research Professor

Bio Sketch | one page CV | List of publications              

Factual Summary

  • Published over 400 peer-refereed papers; h-index is above 150
  • More than 40 papers are cited >1,000 times with 8 cited >10,000 times
  • According to ISI’s Essential Science Indicators, is responsible for initiating two research fronts (graphene and  gecko tape)
  • Also, notoriously ;-) known for levitating the frog


2010 Nobel Prize for "groundbreaking experiments regarding the two-dimensional material graphene"

2018 Creativity Prize (PSIPW) for "developing membranes based on graphene oxide laminates which act as atomic scale sieves" 

2013 Copley Medal for "numerous scientific contributions and, in particular, for initiating research on two-dimensional atomic crystals and their artificial heterostructures"

2011 Niels Bohr Medal for "outstanding contributions to the development of physics"

2010 Royal Society Hughes Medal for "discovery of graphene and elucidation of its remarkable properties"

2010 US National Academy of Sciences' John Carty Award for "the realisation and investigation of graphene, the two-dimensional form of carbon"

2009 Korber Science Prize for "developing the first two-dimensional crystals made of carbon atoms"

2008 Europhysics Prize for "discovering and isolating a single free-standing atomic layer of carbon (graphene) and elucidating its remarkable electronic properties"

2007 Mott Prize for "the discovery of a new class of materials 2D atomic crystals particularly graphene"

Knighthoods from the Netherlands (C.N.L. 2010) and UK (Kt 2012)


More Personal

Nobel Lecture: Early Years and Random Walk to Graphene



Opinion pieces in Financial Times: Science neglectBeware of patentsBe afraid, very afraid            

Langworthy and Royal Society Research Professor, graphene  

A reminder of Andre's 'levitation experiments'

Department of Mathematics, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK | Contact details | Feedback

Royal Charter Number: RC000797